Friday, November 21, 2014

So We Beat On...

I’m struggling to find the words.

I had a bizarre discourse a while back that was really about everything and nothing- all rolled together. During the course of everything under the sun, a friend I haven’t seen in years was mentioned in passing, but like most of the discourse, it was brought up in a warped, broken mirror kind of way. I was thinking about all of this over the week that followed.

It’s strange how over the years there’s been this particular comfort, however occasional, in knowing that a friend is out there somewhere, particularly when waters seem dark and rough. Someone who found value in who you are. I’m well aware that a fog of nostalgia blankets the reality of old memories but the brief respite it sometimes offered became an island of refuge or a green light across the bay.

I thought about this off and on as the events of the week tumbled along, until eventually I searched the name, reaching to see what was out there. I found that that my long lost friend had passed away just days earlier.

It’s been over twenty years since I've had any contact, but I feel a profound sense of loss.


Today, I read the obituary and it is so sad to me on so many different levels. 

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