Friday, April 21, 2017


This is the kind of stuff I hang onto- both physically and emotionally. These are another one of those treasures stuffed away in my sock drawer. What you’re looking at are a couple of pacifiers, or “binkies”, as we called them. The full rubber model is the one Helaina was attached to, the plastic and rubber one was Rachael’s.

Rachael never used her binky as much as Helaina did. In fact, it’s entirely possible that Rachael was using hers because she thought it was expected of her - or, even more likely, she saw that Helaina had one and, like it or not, she wanted one too.

I think Helaina was somewhere around four years old when we decided that it was time to break her of the habit. I figured that since Rachael was a year younger, she would get another year’s reprieve.

I remember talking to Helaina about this, prepping her for the concept of giving it up. And I remember, when the time seemed right and Helaina seemed receptive, talking to Helaina in her bedroom. This was at a point where she and Rachael were now sharing the room.

I don’t remember the exact terms of the bribe - what she was offered or for how long she had to try for. What I do remember is that it was a bit of a struggle for her, especially those first couple of nights. But she made it. And not only did Helaina give it up but Rachael, apparently overhearing the deal that was going down, wanted a cut of the action - so she gave her’s up too.

In some ways, this seems like it was a long time ago. But when I think about it, it’s only been about twenty-five years.

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