Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The Sunset

This picture was taken back in August of 2010. I think this was our next to the last family vacation on Cape Cod.

I like a lot of things about this picture. I like the memories. I like the subject matter. I like the sunset. But along with all of that, there are things about it which I'm not talented enough to articulate.

There's some kind of analogy in there about my family being on the beach, watching a near-final sunset together - and me with my all too keen awareness that these family vacations were winding down.

And there's something in there about looking to the horizon - or maybe it's about getting ready to set sail - or maybe... any number of things.

Maybe, whatever the analogies are, they're best left to unspoken emotions.

But there's something else in there. Something connected to the three older kids - each of them  looking off towards the sunset together - while Sam looks away in a different direction, looking towards something unseen.

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