Monday, April 20, 2020

The Fix

I have no idea what happened to most of my photos in the post before last.

For some bizarre reason, I happened to look back - and apparently most of the photos never "stuck" (an internet term). In place of where the photos were supposed to be, there was instead a weird circle-type symbol thing with a line through it.

I'm not talking about the internationally recognized diagonal-line-through-a-circle symbol that tells you that whatever it is you wanted to do or wherever it is you wanted to go, you can't. I'm talking about an aesthetically less pleasing and rather more bewildering horizontal line - which is telling me nothing.

Anyway, the photos are fixed - for now. No promises about tomorrow though - so look quick. I'm not doing it again.

Carry on.


Ben Clibrig said...

I'm getting the "No Entry" sign too. Is it just us? Have we unintentionally offended the Great Administrator? Are we living in a Kafka novel? Do we really give a shit anyway?

Herajasa said...

I find it comforting that we share membership in the same, possibly exclusive, club.
And also that my paranoia is justified.