As it turned out, Sam was ready to get going well before then, so rather than leave at 8:30 - as planned, or at 8:15 - when he was ready, I stalled him for a bit and we left at 8:25. This, plus the fact that Sam walked even faster than his usual supersonic speed, got us to the school over twenty minutes too early.
We killed a few minutes sitting on the front steps of the building, where we spent time checking the local news and the local weather, and then we walked around to the back and we went inside.
On the plus side, Sam was thrilled to see everyone - and near as I could tell, they were all happy to see him, as well - so, that was exciting and gratifying.
On the (potential) downside, when we went in, I (and no doubt, Sam) noticed the "delicate aroma" of sulfur wafting through the cafeteria air. I looked over and noticed that one of the things they were busy preparing for today’s meal was hard boiled eggs. If Sam, with his sensitivity to odors, has a nemesis in the food world, it would be, without a doubt, hard boiled eggs.
This should be interesting.
I just got back from walking to get Sam. All is well. He had a good time and "everyone was glad to see me." I asked him if he noticed the egg smell, which of course he did, but, "I just dealt with it." - which is unusual because, from what I saw, there must have been a couple hundred eggs there. If I hard boil a couple dozen at Easter, we pretty much need to be ready with an oxygen tank.
I asked him what he did all day and he said, "I cupped garbanzo beans all day" - which sounds like a euphemism for something, but I'll leave that for cleverer minds than mine.
Chatted with his supervisor for awhile and she confirmed everything Sam said, including that he did great and, (maybe) best of all, that everyone was indeed glad to see him.
I could tell Sam was tired, though. No complaints, but for the first time in I don't know how long, he was walking behind me the entire walk home - and I wasn't even approaching his usual supersonic speed.
I'm very proud of him (like usual).
Proud of you, Sam.
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