Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Brief Recap

I don't know whether I am tired from Thanksgiving or whether I'm tired in preparation of Christmas. Most likely, I'm tired because I'm always tired in general. 

Thanksgiving was hectic, like it usually is, and like it usually is, it was hectic in mostly good ways. It was all so hectic in a few not as good ways, but that's not worth spending any time on. 

There is nothing I like better than the family being together and I like nothing more than cooking a big meal for us to share and them to enjoy. Along with celebrating Thanksgiving, we also managed to squeeze in getting a Christmas tree on the day before Thanksgiving, and decorating it after the meal was over. 

I was going to say we decorated the tree the next day, but I then checked the photos I took and saw by the date that we decorated it Thanksgiving night. That's the kind of weekend it was.

Somewhere in the all of that we also managed to squeeze in some visiting- visiting with each other and visiting with Grandma. 

Like a lot of these holidays, they go by in a whirlwind.

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