Sunday, December 27, 2015

Over the River and Through the Woods...

We'll be off today for Christmas, Part II- the annual event that's held at Grandma's house. Over the years, this event has grown as the family has grown. Years ago, when the kids were small, the place was packed- but somehow manageable. Now, depending on who can make it, the place is either bursting with people, or nearly exploding with people.

It reminds me of when I was a kid and there would be the occasional visits to my grandparents in Worcester- the ones where the extended, extended, extended family would show up. I would spend at least half of the visit trying to figure out who all these people were, while simultaneously trying to avoid them.  By the time I developed some small level of comfort with all of them being squeezed along with me into the small house, it would time to for us to go home.

I think this year is a Nearly Exploding year. To make matters worse, it's raining outside. Years ago, snow would often be on the ground, and the snow offered a respite from the indoor claustrophobia by allowing the kids and some of the adults to go sledding and maybe have a hike through the woods. Today will be too wet and rainy for any of that. And anyway, it's been too warm lately- meaning that the bears that occasionally lumber out of the woods in the summer to have their way with Grandma's bird feeders, are not yet asleep- and therefore, they would instead be having their way with us (and by "us", I mean "not me"- so maybe a walk is not totally out of the question).

In years past, with the now snow-less ground, the now grown kids would go out for a Family/Cousins/ Who Are These People activity. One year, this was bowling, another year it was indoor rock climbing. This year, I heard mention of some possible rollerblading- but I know Rachael, at least, will not be attending. She has already told me that if the others go out for an activity, she plans on taking a nap. While I would like to chalk this "nap" idea up to her carrying on our proud family tradition, it has more to do with her having to catch a bus home from New York at 6:00 in the morning, for the second time in four days.

But no matter what happens, I expect it will still be fun, at least for a little while. Fun, that is, for almost everyone except maybe Grandma. While we all get to leave at the end of the day and go home to our quiet abodes, Grandma will already be home- and be left to deal with whatever people inevitably leave behind- such as my ten pounds of smoked kielbasa which I have no intention of bringing home if people don't eat any of it.

So, as we speak, Rachael is on her bus, heading back home for the visit to Grandma's, and soon we'll be on our way too- over at least one river, but not through the woods - not today anyway - unless it gets real bad in Grandma's house. But if it does get bad, I wonder who I could encourage to go on a little walk, and I wonder if any of those bears would like some kielbasa?

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