Monday, August 31, 2015

End of the Summer

In "celebration" of school starting tomorrow, we made our annual after dinner trip to get an ice cream cone. Neither Sam nor I are quite sure how long we've been doing this. We both think that it's been maybe four years now. This year we had company. Helaina took a little break from her homework and came along.

I don't have anything to say about this. It's just another one of those markers where I think, "Has it really been a year since we did this?" It all keeps flying by.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Monday, August 24, 2015

The Last Few Days

I feel a little compelled to say something about our vacation, but I don't really know where to begin. Usually it's best to begin at the beginning and that's the problem. I'm not really sure where that is.

On the one hand, the beginning of the vacation could be when Sam and I camped out a couple of weeks back- or maybe it was before that, when I started to gather camping equipment. But on the other hand, maybe it really started when we got in the car last Wednesday and headed to Rhode Island. In between those two hands, there was trying to find a campsite and then making reservations, as well as finding a place to stay in Brooklyn.

I'd also like to say something about how different this vacation was from any other that I've been on. Not only were we going places where we had never gone before, but I think this was the first time since having kids, where all the kids weren't with me on a vacation.

I think rather than head down that well worn road, maybe it's best to just post some pictures. Let's start at the beach, which is as close to a beginning as we're gonna get. Here's some of Sam walking the shore and collecting rocks and shells...

Sam and I spent the better part of the day walking the length of the shore- three or four times, maybe five. I lost count.

After a lunch of sandwiches, grapes and fruit punch, we packed up and headed for the campsite to set up our tent. Sam scoured the ground with his metal detector, tuning up a few rusty nails, a bottle cap and an old tent stake. We kept the tent stake.

Note that in the bottom photo above, there is a tent trailer in the background. Apparently, this tent trailer is occupied by loud, foul mouthed nocturnal lunatics who only quiet down after someone eventually calls the park rangers on them- but that would be much later.

For now, after we set up the tent and got settled, we met up with Jake and had a tour of his lab, including some rock samples- at least one of which was from his recent trip.

From there, we checked out his home and his guinea pigs- all of which seemed in fine shape. Then, it was off to dinner and more walking- this time to a beach not far from where Jake lives.

After saying goodnight to Jake, it was back to the campsite for a campfire, some popcorn and reading by the lantern before trying in vain to get some sleep (see aforementioned note above regarding the insane campers behind us).

After a restful night's sleep, it was time for a nutritious breakfast of french toast, sausage and more fruit punch. Then it was time to take down the tent, pack up and off for one more visit with Jake, which included a tour of his school, a walk along the rocky shore, and then having to say goodbye.

We stopped at a zoo on our way home, which meant more walking. Both Sam and I took a lot of pictures....

After a brief overnight at home, it was up early and off to see Rachael. This was the first time visiting her in the city since she moved there more than a year ago.

We got settled and did a little exploring, eventually ending up where Rachael works and eating more food than a normal person eats in a week. Later, I brought some stuff over to her apartment and then we did a lot more walking and exploring- some intentional, some not- but all of it fun. I know some of it was frustrating for Rachael, and I think I mentioned it at the time, but the thing is, long after the frustrations melt away, the memories of sharing that time together remain, and usually, you'll look back upon these kinds of things with fondness. I know I am already

At one point, we came across an area that Rachael and I had been to a few years earlier. In an odd way, it was like meeting a long lost friend. We grabbed some take-out and bought a map and we actually managed to find our way back. Amazing.

Saturday was another full day. First it was off to the farmer's market and exploring the adjoining park.

Later in the day, we went to Rachael's apartment. And we went to a tag sale nearby.

As afternoon approached, we headed out on the subway and were able to see Rachael perform wonderfully in a play, and from there, it was an adventurous subway ride back and a hunt for a place to grab some dinner.

Sunday, we said our early morning goodbyes, and watched as Rachael rode off on her bike, and then got in the car for the log ride back home.

Sam was glad to see us back home. It was the first time in I don't know how long that he greeted me at the door. He even asked me to play "Battleship" with him. He had stayed the weekend at home with Helaina, and I know he was excited about that- both before and after. He always feels special when he gets to spend some time alone with his brother or sisters. We're a lot alike in that respect.

I had promised to take him to the park today. I told him it was his day to do whatever it was he wanted. We fed the geese, went on the peddle boats, went over to see the animals and ride the mini-train. Finally, we ended the day playing mini-golf. Sam beat me by three strokes.

I may expand on some of this at some point in time. But then, I may not.We'll see how it goes. For now, I wanted to get down the past several days at least in broad brush strokes.

I thoroughly enjoyed the visiting, but boy, I feel sad that it went by so quickly. But now is not the time to get into that.

Maybe more later.

Maybe not.