Friday, December 31, 2021

Another One Down

Hard to believe another year, as bad as it often was, has zipped right by. I don't have much to say tonight, but I wish you well and hope the year ahead is a happy one for you and those you love.

Ringing Out the Old Year

The house is quiet, except for some choral Christmas music playing quietly in the background. The tree has been taken down and all the scattered decorations from around the house have been boxed up and stowed safely away for another year. I wonder what awaits them the next time I take them out. What will transpire between now and then?

Did I mention the house is quiet? 

What better way to wind down the old year than with some Mr. Bean? The only thing better would be to watch it with someone...

Sunday, December 26, 2021

This Year's Response from Santa

Before I get to Santa's response to Sam's letter, if I haven't done so in years past (but I probably have) let me first preface it with a couple of comments (i.e., excuses).

First of all, Santa has no clue ahead of time what Sam is going to say. All of this is sprung on the poor old guy at the last minute.

And second of all, Santa has to write this response after he's hung chocolate ornaments and candy canes on the tree, put bows on the presents he's already wrapped - and then put them around the tree, stuff and re-hang the stockings, and then get rid of all the mess. 

By the time all of this is accomplished, it is WAY past Santa's semi-normal bedtime - and Santa's forehead is pretty much dragging along the floor as his head is about ready to explode. 

Then and only then, Santa can try to come up with a response to the hopes and fears that Sam has taken his considerable amount of time to so thoughtfully express. These are thoughts that cannot be minimized or brushed aside.

So, with all of that said, below is this year's response to Sam's letter to Santa (typed instead of posting a photo of the actual letter so that you, unlike Sam, won't have to deal with deciphering Santa's crappy handwriting)...


Dear Sam,

 Thanks as always for your lovely note. I look forward to it every year.

It sounds like this one has been a busy one for you. No wonder time goes by so quickly. It always seems to fly by when you're busy. Whether it goes by fast or slow, it's important to appreciate every minute- and it sounds like you do.

I'm sorry you lost someone close to you.Though I know it isn't the same, the people we love, the people we are close to, are always with us. They are a part of us and we carry them, and their love, with us forever. Nothing can change that.

I'm so glad you know so many nice people - friends you go Trick-or-Treating with, friends you hang out with, and friends you work with. How lucky you are! And they are very lucky to know you!

And yes, like you, I will be very glad when COVID is gone. But until then, I am glad you are taking care of yourself -  and being considerate of those around you by wearing a mask. I wish everyone was as thoughtful as you. Anyway, have a great Christmas.

Love, Santa

Friday, December 24, 2021

This Year's Letter

Another Christmas Eve, another letter to Santa. 

Over the last couple of years, this year in particular, I haven't been completely sure how Sam perceives Santa. At times, I've had the distinct impression that Sam has begun seeing Santa a little differently - and maybe he has and maybe he hasn't - or maybe Sam knows things the rest of us don't.

In any case, on this Christmas Eve, like every other Christmas Eve, Sam sat down before bedtime and wrote a letter to Santa. And as long as Sam still writes his letters, Santa will respond. 

Merry Christmas.

Click to enlarge


Monday, December 20, 2021

More Music for the Holidays

Here's another Christmas music video, this one very recently posted by Bobby Whitlock. 

I've always liked Bobby Whitlock, starting way back with his time on George Harrison's "All Things Must Pass", then as a part of  Derek and the Dominoes - and later, his solo work.

Talented, plus he seems like a real nice guy.

Sunday, December 19, 2021

That Time of Year

 Let the festivities begin!

Friday, December 17, 2021

Today's Update

I'm happy to report, hopefully not too prematurely, that after a long day (and a long night, plus another not-as-long night, plus a not-good-but-not-quite-as-bad day), Sam is feeling better today. 

We even managed to go out for a somewhat brief walk in the freakish, unseasonably warm weather late yesterday afternoon. And today, he's headed back to work (with his supervisor kindly keeping an eye on him). 

Fingers crossed.

We'll still be taking it easy, meal-wise for a little while but we're miles from where we were a couple of days ago. Thank god. These stomach bugs are the worst.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Rude Awakening

Tomorrow marks the one month anniversary since I last posted anything - a new record, I think, in my eleven-or-so years of posting here. 

Don't take it personally. 

My lack of posting is due to a variety of things, none of which are worth mentioning here - or if they are, I've probably mentioned them here before. 

I will mention (not that it's worth it) that, most recently, I've been laid up with a stomach/intestinal bug - which is always a good time. What's even less fun is, just as I'm beginning to feel a little bit better (hopefully), as of 1:30 this morning, Sam apparently now has this bug, as well.

Maybe it was even earlier but 1:30 A.M. is when I felt the tapping on my shoulder and, once I realized I wasn't dreaming, cracked opened my eyes to see Sam standing there, telling me he didn't feel well. 

After me stumbling (or is it 'fumbling'?) into the bathroom to dig out a heating pad, Sam lay next to me in bed. When he felt things had settled enough, he used the bathroom one more time then returned to his own bed. I  covered him up and spent the remaining predawn hours tossing and turning and drifting - and listening for any signs of distress. 

The distress finally, regretfully, came a few minutes ago.

Sam just finished getting sick. I rubbed his back as he sweated and clutched the sides of the toilet. And then, once he was done, I helped him to his feet and patted him for awhile.

After getting him situated and comfortable, I scrubbed the toilet - and the rest of the bathroom - and just now put in a load of his laundry (hot water, with bleach, if you're interested).

At this moment, Sam is currently laying on the couch behind me, sucking on some ice chips with a heating pad on his stomach and the "sick-a-bowl" on his lap. (The sick-a-bowl is so named from the many years of various little kids getting sick and needing this particular bowl to be nearby. The name has stuck ever since - though I'm probably the only one who still calls it that.) 

Later, when things have settled for a bit, I'll walk over to the store to get some ginger-ale and some popsicles.

But for now, as Sam rests, I'm sitting here. Waiting.
