Friday, August 27, 2021

Today's New Mystery

Now that the "What's Growing in the Field" mystery has been solved, it's on to a new one. Actually, this mystery isn't from today, it's from a couple of weeks ago. That's when, for the first time in at least a year, Sam and I were able to walk the farm fields in the neighboring town. 

Instead of being met by the bucolic scene of dairy cows leisurely grazing in the fields, we were instead met by the claustrophobic confines of... corn. What happened to all the cows?

This dairy farm is (or was) a pretty good sized operation, at least by local standards. Where all the cows went is beyond us.

If the heat and humidity ever break before school starts, we'll head back and see if we can tell what's going on. Don't hold your breath.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

A Minor Error

When my alarm went off this morning, I did what I do every weekday morning. I groaned, shut it off then stumbled upstairs to the bathroom.  On the way, I closed the bedroom windows and threw a couple of extra blankets on Sam. After getting dressed and brushing my teeth, I went back downstairs, got Sam's breakfast ready for him, then turned on the computer.

Unlike other mornings, I didn't check my emails or read the news. Instead, I sat there and stared at the clock on my lock screen - and wondered why it was off by two hours. Instead of it reading the usual 5:35, it read 3:35.

Even at 3:35 in the morning, it didn't take long to figure out the problem. The problem was me. 

Yesterday, I set an alarm to remind Sam and I to leave for our eye doctor's appointment. But instead of choosing 'PM' , I apparently chose the similar, yet completely different 'AM'. 

I now have a pounding headache but at least Sam and I will be early for our appointment. Unless I fall back to sleep, that is.

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Today's Update

 Finally, an answer to the burning question of what's growing in the field...


Friday, August 20, 2021

Sam's Busy Weekend - Part Two

On Sunday, Sam and I went to a nearby orchard where the Amateur Radio Club was having some kind of radio-type get together. The instigation for this visit began some months ago when Sam and I ran into Anne, one of his former physical therapy providers. Having not seen each other for years, Anne was almost as happy to see Sam as he was to see her.

As the two of them caught up, Anne mentioned that she belonged to an amateur radio club and after a little bit of description, asked if maybe Sam might like to check it out. This, eventually, led to Sam meeting her at the hilltop orchard.

Once there, Sam was shown various radios and was shown how they work. Then he, with help, got to talk over one radio to someone in a neighboring town and on another, to someone several states away.

One of the guys spent a fair amount of time with Sam, explaining, near as I could tell, the characteristics of different types of frequencies. This, like the frequencies themselves, was pretty much over Sam's head (get it?). But Sam seemed to appreciate it... and so did I. It was awfully nice of the guy to spend the time.

For that matter, all of the people we met were kind and inclusive which, even without the radios, made it worthwhile. 

As Sam and I left, Sam waved to the guy who spent the time with him and called out some call letters which, I gathered, is how you end a conversation when you're talking to someone on the radio. Sam may or may not know about frequencies, but he learned how to say goodbye.

After visiting the orchard store and buying some peaches and plums, Sam and I headed home to get ready for the afternoon.

For the afternoon adventure, Sam was meeting a friend at the mall. This friend was someone Sam met a few years ago, back when they both were taking the same culinary course. Over the years,they've exchanged a few texts so, even though they've never hung out together, at least they've (kind of) kept in touch. 

Earlier on Sunday, this friend had texted Sam and asked about meeting to see a movie. After some back and forth (requiring a bit of prompting each time) and after checking out the movie trailer and some reviews, plans were made to meet outside the movie theater at the mall.

This would be the first time ever that Sam would see a movie without me by his side - and one of us was a little nervous about it. 

Judging from past experiences, watching a movie with Sam can go in unexpected directions. Sometimes (often times) it means having to explain a scene, sometimes it means offering reassurance - any number of things an crop up without warning. 

Once, a few years back, Sam and I were watching a superhero movie which, for the most part, was pretty standard stuff. There was a part, however, where this now-super powered kid, was playing around with his newfound powers by, among other things, zapping text books. If Sam is anything, he's a rules follower - and he expects others to be, as well. 

Out of all the pre-filtered movies we've ever watched, this innocuous scene upset him far more than anything before. In the quiet of the movie theater, it took a lot of comforting and explaining and consoling. We made it through but this unexpected scene was (very) rough going for Sam.

As we headed to the mall, this and any number of scenarios - both real and imagined - quietly played out in my head.

Once at the mall, we met up with his friend and his friend's mom. She and I helped each of them buy their tickets along with some overpriced "refreshments". We walked them into the theater (after locating the bathroom for them - just in case) and got them situated. Once again I reminded Sam he had his phone (also just in case), and again reminded him that I would be waiting right outside. Then, his friend's mom and I left. 

Outside the theater, his mom and I chatted briefly, then she took off. For the next two hours, it was me hanging out at the mall. Alone. Is there a more boring (yet stressful) way to spend a Sunday afternoon than hanging out alone at the mall? (Answer: Probably not.)

After two long hours, the friend's mom came back and shortly after, Sam and his friend emerged from the theater, seemingly unscathed. I, of course, played it cool.

By most measures, the adventure was a success. The movie had a happy ending, which is important. Maybe the next time it will also be fine. Maybe it won't. Either way, like everything else, I guess we'll deal with it when the time comes. 

For now though, I was exhausted. Thankfully, it was now Sunday evening. Nothing left to do but to go home, make dinner and then relax in the final few hours left of the weekend.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Sam's Busy Weekend - Part One

Sam was pretty busy this past weekend - which means I was pretty busy, as well. 

Saturday began with a ride down to the comic book store. The occasion was Free Comic Book Day (plus we needed to pick up the stack of comics they were holding for him from his pull list). As in previous years, the owners of the comic book store were combining F.C.B.D. with a food/ essentials drive for the local community center. Sam and I contributed two large boxes of diapers, which we bought on our weekly visit to the bulk food store. 

(An aside from the You Probably Had to Be There Department. When we went grocery shopping, Sam stood silently by as I loaded the two large boxes of diapers into our shopping cart. I could tell the gears were turning in his head, but he didn't say a word, he just  stared at the boxes. We continued on with our shopping, adding more stuff to the cart, all the while, Sam still didn't say a word. When we were nearly done, Sam came out with, "Say Dad, what's up with the diapers???!!!" ...As I said, you probably had to be there.)

Anyway, we dropped off the diapers and picked up his stack of comic books. Heading home, we ordered our Saturday lunchtime pizza on the way.

After lunch, it was off to a surprise party for one of his coworkers. 

This party was being held about a mile away from home so, in spite of the oppressive humidity, we decided to walk. 

It was worth it. 

The party was for one of Sam's two (very kind) supervisors. I won't go into a lot of detail about the party, other than to say it was largely filled with family members, people who, for the most part, were unknown to us. Sam's supervisor took it upon herself to introduce Sam to some of them, each time allowing Sam to speak for himself, prompting him when he got a little stuck and later, without making too big a deal about it, congratulating Sam on how well he did. (sob).

It was a lovely time, but we kept it a little brief, saving our already pathetic amount of energy for the mile-long, sweaty walk home.

(To avoid prosecution, I purposely chose a photo with the fewest amount of identifiable faces.)

Friday, August 13, 2021

Music for a Friday Night

Sarah Jarosz covers a Paul Simon song...

Thursday, August 12, 2021

More Evidence

Yesterday I had a text from one of Sam's supervisors. Seems a helicopter had made a non-emergency-type landing to the helipad next to the school. This, I was told, was to stock up on supplies (from the nearby school cafeteria or the not-quite-as-nearby hospital, I'm not sure).

The supervisor wanted to share with me a couple of photos she took of Sam being brought over by his other supervisor, to get a closer look. 

Apparently, he and his other supervisor got to talking with the pilots and the pilots let Sam climb in and check things out "as long as he didn't touch anything". (Sam assured me that he kept his hands in his pocket the entire time, "just to be safe".)

Yet another example of how lucky he is (and how lucky I am) that he's working with such kind people.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

This Week in History

Google Photos kindly reminds me that the family was on vacation thirteen years ago, this week. I miss those times but I'm SO glad I have the memories. Wouldn't trade them for the world...

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Go... and Stop... and Go...

When Sam and I go on walks, our walks are usually peppered with frequent delays. These interruptions can be due to any number of things, ranging from: catching Pokemon while playing Pokemon Go!, to swatting away flies from our mouths and eyes, to stopping to try and breathe (mostly me), and stopping to catch Pokemon. We can now add using the iNaturalist app to our list of delays.

This app was recommended to us (meaning, to Sam) by one of my sisters. 

The idea is, with the app installed, you use your phone's camera to identify - and possibly photograph - different plants, birds or other wildlife (I'm assuming "bugs"qualify as "wildlife").

Once the app loads, which can be a while, you aim it at your subject and it will then work on narrowing down a classification - and hopefully, a specie - for whatever it is you're pointing it at. This specie identification can sometimes take awhile and frequently, it will end in only a classification before you finally give up.

When the app has trouble, it will suggest you try scanning your subject from different angles. Assuming you have the time to wait, this usually isn't a big deal... at least, it's not a big deal with things like flowers or plants or mushrooms. It's more of a problem when it comes to identifying things like birds or bugs or other wildlife - things that run or fly away. 

Often (meaning pretty much always), these creatures are unwilling to sit and wait while you and your app search for the right angle and they're long gone before the final identification is made. It can, at times, be frustrating.

But it can also be rewarding. For the times it does work, which is far more often than not, it's been fun. Sam keeps at it and he enjoys it. And this means I enjoy it, too.

Friday, August 6, 2021

She'll Be Relieved to Know

 My estimation of Jennifer Aniston has increased significantly.

Thursday, August 5, 2021


Since fully one third of my readership (i.e.: one person) has suggested I continue posting, here are few photos from a walk Sam and I went on a couple of weeks ago.

For most of the summer, delays caused by rain followed by days of more rain kept us from walking through the nearby forest. When we finally had a sunny day, Sam and I took advantage of it and headed over for not-so-leisurely stroll through the woods. Big mistake.

The forest looked lovely, particularly with the late afternoon sunshine filtering through the trees. Added to that, pools of water filled the normally dry low areas and streams filled the normally dry ravines. All beautiful...


... until you add in the bugs. 

The place was swarming with flies and mosquitoes, and every other specie of annoying insect - all trying to fly into our eyes and ears and mouths. It was like we were trudging through a rain forest - which, in hindsight, I guess we were. 

It was so bad that even Sam decided to give up and head back. This never happens. Never. No matter how much I might diplomatically "suggest" that we not bother to continue (or sometimes, to even go in the first place), Sam's always gung ho. 

Not this time.

It's hard to capture in a photo, but Sam's arms were flailing all the way back to the car.

 Mine were too - otherwise, I would have taken more photos.