Thursday, August 5, 2021


Since fully one third of my readership (i.e.: one person) has suggested I continue posting, here are few photos from a walk Sam and I went on a couple of weeks ago.

For most of the summer, delays caused by rain followed by days of more rain kept us from walking through the nearby forest. When we finally had a sunny day, Sam and I took advantage of it and headed over for not-so-leisurely stroll through the woods. Big mistake.

The forest looked lovely, particularly with the late afternoon sunshine filtering through the trees. Added to that, pools of water filled the normally dry low areas and streams filled the normally dry ravines. All beautiful...


... until you add in the bugs. 

The place was swarming with flies and mosquitoes, and every other specie of annoying insect - all trying to fly into our eyes and ears and mouths. It was like we were trudging through a rain forest - which, in hindsight, I guess we were. 

It was so bad that even Sam decided to give up and head back. This never happens. Never. No matter how much I might diplomatically "suggest" that we not bother to continue (or sometimes, to even go in the first place), Sam's always gung ho. 

Not this time.

It's hard to capture in a photo, but Sam's arms were flailing all the way back to the car.

 Mine were too - otherwise, I would have taken more photos.

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