Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Sam's Busy Weekend - Part One

Sam was pretty busy this past weekend - which means I was pretty busy, as well. 

Saturday began with a ride down to the comic book store. The occasion was Free Comic Book Day (plus we needed to pick up the stack of comics they were holding for him from his pull list). As in previous years, the owners of the comic book store were combining F.C.B.D. with a food/ essentials drive for the local community center. Sam and I contributed two large boxes of diapers, which we bought on our weekly visit to the bulk food store. 

(An aside from the You Probably Had to Be There Department. When we went grocery shopping, Sam stood silently by as I loaded the two large boxes of diapers into our shopping cart. I could tell the gears were turning in his head, but he didn't say a word, he just  stared at the boxes. We continued on with our shopping, adding more stuff to the cart, all the while, Sam still didn't say a word. When we were nearly done, Sam came out with, "Say Dad, what's up with the diapers???!!!" ...As I said, you probably had to be there.)

Anyway, we dropped off the diapers and picked up his stack of comic books. Heading home, we ordered our Saturday lunchtime pizza on the way.

After lunch, it was off to a surprise party for one of his coworkers. 

This party was being held about a mile away from home so, in spite of the oppressive humidity, we decided to walk. 

It was worth it. 

The party was for one of Sam's two (very kind) supervisors. I won't go into a lot of detail about the party, other than to say it was largely filled with family members, people who, for the most part, were unknown to us. Sam's supervisor took it upon herself to introduce Sam to some of them, each time allowing Sam to speak for himself, prompting him when he got a little stuck and later, without making too big a deal about it, congratulating Sam on how well he did. (sob).

It was a lovely time, but we kept it a little brief, saving our already pathetic amount of energy for the mile-long, sweaty walk home.

(To avoid prosecution, I purposely chose a photo with the fewest amount of identifiable faces.)

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