Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Question of the Day

Why is Sam walking around the house wearing a sweatshirt that says, "Bong"?

Monday, September 28, 2015

Under the Moon

I got a text from Jake just after 9:00 last night. I was reminding me of the eclipse. Sam was already upstairs brushing his teeth and getting ready for bed. I had him put on his slippers and bathrobe and together we went out in the back yard and watched together.

After a bit, we went back in. Sam climbed into bed and as the eclipse progressed, I went back upstairs and peeked into his room. Not sure of whether he was asleep or not, I whispered quietly into the darkness of his room and said, "It's almost full. Want to look again?"

Sam threw his covers off and leapt out of bed. "Sure!", he said. He put on his slippers and we went outside together again, where we watched the moon and talked in whispers- until it was time for us to both go to bed.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Going for a Ride

Somewhere, buried way back in here, I mentioned how I never see any of those coin operated kiddie rides around anymore. Well, as luck would have it (luck?), I spotted one of them on my way into a supermarket the other day.

When I passed the ride, it didn’t hit me and I almost walked right by it. I did a double take and went back to take the photo. I was thinking at the time that it was too bad that there wasn’t some little kid riding it- so I could get a shot of the thing in action. In hindsight, I’m thinking it was probably better that there wasn’t some kid on it. A weirdo standing around, taking pictures of little kids they don’t know, probably isn't the greatest idea.

Here's a photo I took of Helaina and Rachael riding one of these kinds of rides. This little merry-go-round was one of several of these kinds of rides which stood in front of the mini-golf which in turn stood forever in the center of Hyannis. I remember taking this picture, but even more clearly, I remember the feelings of that moment.

Even without the photo, I can still feel the enjoyment of watching them have fun on this ride. And I remember wondering if they would still be interested if were were able to come back a year later. And I remember wondering what events might take place in the time in between.
Going on these rides was a little bit different down at the mall or at a nearby store. I didn't really think about those things. I guess that was because the rides were nearby and that made them more a part of everyday life- and everyday life evolves a page at a time. But annual events, like vacations and holidays- they change by chapters and volumes.

The girl’s interest in this ride lasted another year or so beyond when the photo was taken. Jake’s interest was only slightly longer and Sam was only interested in these kinds of things when they weren’t moving at all.

Their changing interests in things like this happened so gradually that it was hard to notice at the time. Other interests washed on shore and took their place as older interests drifted away, never even leaving a void- at least never leaving one that was apparent at the time.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


With Sam's cold coming on, I went upstairs last night to make sure all the windows were closed. That's when I realized there was something I didn't like about Fall- storm windows. Pretty soon, it will be time to take out the screens and wash and put in the storm windows.

Fall is still my favorite season, but I could do without the storm window routine. It's one of my top three least favorite jobs around here (or should that be "bottom three"?).

Monday, September 21, 2015

Changing Seasons

Sam came home from school today with a nasty cold. I think he might have come down with it last night, but I can't figure out how. It was a nice day yesterday, but we spent the day indoors- and he showed no sign of anything being wrong. But last night was another story.

Sam's developed this habit of clearing his throat- sometimes a little, sometimes a lot. I haven't been able to figure out what the reason is for it, whether it's stress or whatever. While it's usually only occasionally, there are times when it gets frequent enough, and then I'll sometimes ask him if he needs some water. He almost always says no, but it kind of cues him in to be conscious of it- and I hope in a subtle way. I'm not looking to get on his case or make him feel bad. I just don't want it to become a habit for him.

Last night when he went to bed, there was a lot of clearing of the throat.I finally got up and asked him if he needed a glass of water and, unlike usual, he said yes. He followed me into the hall and drank it down and then climbed back in his bed. I covered him up and he quieted back down, but it took a while.

This morning, before I left for work, I stood in his doorway to say goodbye. Usually he stirs and rolls out of bed and stumbles wearily over to me and then gives me a hug before I leave for work. This morning, nothing. He was still asleep. I should have figured something was up, but I chalked it up to him being up so late the night before.

Today, when he called me to let me know he was home from school, his voice was tired and croaky. On the way home, I stopped and got some medicine, just in case. Sam and I had made some chicken soup several weeks ago, and since I have the awful habit of cooking about ten times more than I need of anything, most of it ended up in the freezer. Tonight, it was his dinner.

I was just saying the other day, how much I love the fall- with the pleasant days and the cool, comfortable nights. I had forgotten about the colds.

When the kids were small and the new school year had just begun, at least one of them would come home from school with a cold they picked up from someone else- and it would spread through the house. I can't say that's what happened here- since he came down with it on a Sunday night. But where ever it came from, I guess on the bright side, there are fewer of us for the cold to spread to- not that it helps Sam any. At least we have plenty of chicken soup.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Another Year...

... another County Fair gone by.

We started off this year like we always do- by going to the main building and checking out the displays of produce and flowers and photos and crafts- each proudly (presumably) submitted by their creators... or growers (in the case of the produce and flowers).

The displays, largely of fruit and flowers, cover the downstairs of the main building, while the crafts, photos and artwork are up in the balcony. The balcony is pretty narrow and it can be hard to get around up there when it’s crowded, but fortunately we’re usually pretty early (you're welcome) so the crowds are usually not too bad.

First, Second and Third place ribbons are given out for a multitude of categories for just about every type of thing entered. More often than not, it’s a complete mystery as to why certain things were considered ribbon-worthy while others were not. By rights, I should be pretty angry that I have yet to win a ribbon, but then again, I have yet to enter anything either.

After checking out these so-called “adult” entries in the main building, we checked out the so-called “Kids” entries in the smaller building off to the side. I have no doubt that most of these entries are made by kids, but clearly, not all of them are creations of a child. It is obvious that some of these kids were likely helped along by the “guidance” of an “involved” parent- just like when I was in Scouts (By the way Mom, thanks for that shell display- even though I didn’t win anything for it).

After perusing the kids entries we checked out the wildlife displays- some containing actual wildlife, and then we went over to look at and pet the baby barnyard animals. From there, it’s a stroll through the barns of vendor displays- largely containing an inordinate amount of furnace salesman, along with the perennial “pro-life” people (or “anti-choice”, depending on your perspective), and also the lonely looking bathroom remodeler. The fudge people were there again this year too, but I didn’t get any.

I’m not sure why I go through these buildings. With the exception of buying some fudge once or twice over the years, I don’t think I have ever bought anything from anyone in there. If anything, I always make a concerted effort to avoid all of them. It makes absolutely no sense, yet I do it every year. But, hey! it’s the fair- and I guess if I don’t avoid them now, I won’t have another chance to avoid them until next year.

After running the gauntlet through these vendor halls (using my patented don’t-make-eye-contact technique), was outside to fulfilled another treasured annual tradition of eating a nutritious late breakfast (or early lunch) of a giant tub of french fries- fresh out of the deep fryer.

The weather had been threatening all day. And while it was kind of rainy, the rain was light when it was there at all. Usually, it was just threatening to rain. I think the rain would have been an issue when the kids were small. They liked to go on a lot of rides, so the rain would have meant either Wet Kids, or Disappointed Kids- most likely both. But in the last few years, the “kids” have been fewer, and so the amount of rides have been fewer. In fact, last year Sam expressed zero interest in going on any of the rides. This year was slightly different though- but not by much. Helaina and Jake went on a total of one ride together (well, almost), and Sam almost didn't go on any.

I asked Sam about going on the Ferris Wheel with me and I almost got an “Ok” from him, almost but not quite. Even if he had agreed, I don’t think I would have gone through with it. I managed to get him on it a couple of years ago, but he was clearly uncomfortable with the whole experience. I’m all for him trying new things but it’s not like we’re at Outward Bound or something- he’s at the Fair and if he’s not having fun, what’s the point.

But the Ferris Wheel was a non-issue when Sam found out they had the bumper cars this year.These are his favorite and he was disappointed last year when they were nowhere to be seen.

So we walked over and convinced Helaina and Jake to go on as well- despite the on-again off-again rain that had left the metal floor with puddles in spots. I was pretty sure that the professionally trained amusement ride operator would never allow the ride to proceed if there was even the slightest risk of electrocution from the high voltage that must be running through that thing, so they handed the guy their tickets and went to select their cars.

It turns out, there was a girl already waiting to ride in one of the cars and she was someone that Sam knew from years ago. Back then, Sam would often get frustrated with her, but it had been a few years since he last saw her. Things change. He was happy to see her and she was very happy to see him. I don’t know whether he offered or she asked, but they rode in the same bumper car together.

Afterwards, he said goodbye, and made our way back, stopping for our usual cotton candy and fried dough- and then we headed home. Next year, I assume, we’ll be back to do it all over again- in the same pattern- in some combination of family members.

I doubt I would be going to the Fair if the kids weren't around. Like a lot of things, it’s never really been about where I am- it’s always been about who I’m with.

People sometimes rank on the fair as being kind of hokey- people, including me. But the truth is, I’m glad that I live in an area where something like this is a big deal.

And when, or if, there comes a time that I’m no longer going to the fair, I think there will be a certain sadness but also a certain comfort in knowing that the fair is still going on- that there are still little kids that are thrilled to win ribbons and see the baby animals; that there are young families buying french fries and going on rides and watching pig races and then going home tired- all the while, each of them making memories for tomorrow.

Looking down from the balcony.

Multitudes of  produce.

Sam checking out his ribbons.

Helaina checking out monster beans (sorry, I forgot to take a photo).

Jake trying to steal a bunny from the Baby Barnyard (Just kidding! No lawsuits, please.)

The ever popular Mobile Leather Shop. Notice it contains the " World's Largest Belt & Buckle Collection". Worth the price of admission to the fair- all by itself!

Yes, there is even Gourmet Catering! How do I know? Because it say so right there. Offering gourmet delicacies such as, Chowder, Pie A LA MODE, Meatball Grinders, and yes, even water! By the way, this is not where we bought our Tub-O-Fries.

Heading down the midway, waiting for the Tub-O-Tries place to open.

Taking pictures of the duck who wouldn't stop quacking.

More pictures of the duck who wouldn't stop quacking.

Wrapping up the Livestock portion of the Fair.

Making it through the smells from the Livestock portion of the Fair.

Enjoying a hearty, all natural late breakfast!

Watching the pig races.

Sam and his friend.

Having the thrill of a lifetime- for one more year.

And, for the last word...

Friday, September 11, 2015

In the Rain

As I watched the fair parade yesterday afternoon, it occurred to me that I stopped taking pictures of the parade many years ago. I think it was probably around the time Jake graduated high school. He was in the marching band throughout high school. But after that, there was nobody in the parade that I knew- or wanted to know. After that, at some level, the parade became one of those things that changed very little from year to year and it didn’t seem as interesting anymore.

When the kids were small, I would take pictures, but the pictures were more often of them enjoying the parade than of the parade itself. Sometimes there might have been a parade photo that one of the kids would really enjoy. I remember one year, when Rachael was a toddler, she was quite taken with someone dressed in a cow costume, who had been walking long, waving at the crowd. That picture went on the refrigerator. In the years following, one or two more pictures made it to the refrigerator, but most of them went into a photo album and later on, they went into a shoe box. Now I don’t take any at all.

There was something surreal about watching the parade this year. Maybe it was the rain. The vendors which usually roamed the crowds were nowhere to be seen- afraid, perhaps, that the rain would damage their highly valuable inventory of cheap bracelets and inflatable animals.

Brightly colored umbrellas lined the sides of the road and stood out against the grey sky backdrop. I stood and watched as the candy was thrown from passing floats- some of it splashing in the growing puddles on the edges along the edges of the road, some of it staying where it fell, where big men in little cars rode in circles- around and over it. Tow trucks and police cars and fire trucks filed by in slow motion- their flashing lights reflecting off of the wet pavement.

It almost had the feel of a dream and I wished that I had brought my camera. I stood there in the rain and watched, and I wondered how long it had been since I last bothered to bring it along.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The Weekend

I started to write a little bit about this past weekend, but it was turning into another one of those long, rambling, diary-like entries- giving a day by day rundown of who did what and where we were. So, I will spare you all of that. And anyway, it really just boiled down to how nice it was this past weekend- to see everybody and that we could all be together.

I'm pretty sure I've said that before- one or two times, at least.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

A Very Brief Update

It turns out that "Ethel", mentioned in the previous post, is not "Ethel", but is really "Nicole". And it also turns out that even though she didn't eat any more than a bite of her lunch again yesterday, she ate better today.

Oh, and she likes to be called "Nicky"

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

First Day Back

Sam’s first day back to school went pretty well- especially considering that the night before he had been “feeling a little bit nervous”. I’m told that in his class of twenty or so kids, there is only one new person, a girl named Ethel. At least he thinks it’s Ethel. I’m also told that Ethel is pretty shy.

I told him that it must be pretty tough going into a classroom where everyone knows each other- except for you. I also mentioned that maybe she would feel better if she had a friend.

Later on, Sam told me that he looked over at Ethel during lunch and he “noticed that she only took one bite- and then she set it down and didn’t eat any more.”

We’re both hoping that Ethel will be feeling better tomorrow.