Sunday, November 27, 2022

Saturday, November 26, 2022

A Visit to the Tree Farm

 A few photos from today's annual crammed-in visit to the local tree farm...

Friday, November 25, 2022

Midnight Walk at Five P.M.

 I'll be glad when the daylight shines longer...

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Sunday Stroll

Rachael made it home this weekend for a brief visit. And though it was brief, we still managed to fit in a walk at Temple Woods (among other things, including a lovely dinner later that evening). Here are a few random photos (of the walk, not the dinner)...

Friday, November 4, 2022

Our Evening Walk

Sam and I went for a walk at the Train Yard last night - for the first time in what felt like forever. I'm not sure when we went last, mid to late summer, I think. As you can see by the photo above, we're well into Fall at this point. Most of the foliage is on the ground.

We never got to see the final harvesting of the mystery crops in this field. At one point, the crop was corn. But not long after that, we went for another walk and the corn was gone and what appeared to be pumpkins was growing there instead. Now it's all gone. All that's left is an empty field. I think someone is effing with us (as the kids say). 

It was an especially long walk this evening - our Rail Yard walk melded with our Canal Route for a total of close to five miles. This is a lot for us, especially on a week night. On our way back, I snapped this photo of the back of a young couple walking up ahead. I'm  not sure what possessed me to do this. Maybe it was because they looked happy, at least from the back. Of course, even I look happy from the back. Sort of.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Belated Trick or Treat

Forgot to post these from the other night - Trick or Treating - with Sam and this year, Helaina(!). I bundled up for what turned out to be an unseasonably warm night. Ah well. It got us out of the house and we got to spend a little time together (and get a little exercise).

 We now have two Halloween bags of candy on the porch - this years and last year's.