Tuesday, March 28, 2023
Old Horizons
Monday, March 27, 2023
One for the Road
Back here, I mentioned something about how taking photos of people who almost run us over, could possibly become an ongoing series. If that happens, here's another photo for this potential gallery...
This past weekend, Sam and I went on a walk through one of the neighboring towns. On our drive over, we decided to park the car at a small shopping plaza and start our loop from there.We found a spot in the unsurprisingly almost empty lot, parked, got out of the car and proceeded to walk across the parking lot, towards the sidewalk.
As we crossed the lot, a car comes racing along from my left - driving so fast that I had to yank Sam back. And as the this d-bag (henceforth referred to as D.B., for short) passes us, he stares over at me with a open-mouthed, mocking grin on his face.
(I can't honestly say whether he also had his tongue sticking out or not, but it certainly seemed that way.)
Anyway, as he continued on his way toward the exit (seen above, kind of), I pulled out my phone and pretended to take his photo.
Well, apparently D.B. was still watching me (presumably with that same stupid grin on his face) because when he got about twenty feet ahead of us, just before the exit, he stops his car, gets out, snaps my photo - then peals away.
That's when I took the photo above.
What a moron.
At least when I took my photo (or pretended to), I (would have) ended up with a photo of a car that almost ran us over. More importantly, I (would have) ended up with a time and location stamped photo of a car that almost ran us over - and it's license plate - you know real information. (I believe the technical term for this is 'evidence'.)
What does this guy have? A photo of some arbitrary, pissed-off looking old guy walking along with his bewildered-looking son.
What's that good for (other than possibly corroborating that fact that he was the one who almost ran us over)?
I picture D.B. back at his dorm room, showing this now-treasured possession to his 'friend':
D.B.: Get a load of this. (Whips out his phone and flashes the photo.)
D.B.'s Alleged Friend: What am I looking at? Something behind that old guy walking with his kid?
D.B.: No, idiot! That friggin' guy took a picture of me - just because I almost ran him and his kid over! But I got him back. I took his picture! See how he likes it!
D.B.A.F.: Nice! ... Um... What are you planning on doing with it?
D.B.: <long silence> Err... Well ... I got him back! That's the whole point!
<D.B. and his alleged friend continue to drink their many beers in thoughtful silence.>
The End.
Saturday, March 25, 2023
Spring, Finally (hopefully)
When it came to snowstorms in March, Dad always used to say, "It doesn't last long in March." I'm not saying this was profound or anything - just something he used to say.
Thankfully, he was right.
Tuesday, March 14, 2023
And Speaking of My Lawn...
We were fortunate (if you can call it that) that the mid-March snowstorm held off for a couple of days, until after the birthdays celebration. It's even harder to smash a pinata when you're feet are soaking wet and you're shivering from the cold, let alone trying to find any of the now-soaking wet treasures buried in the slushy snow (or so I would imagine).
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The now pinata-less tree. |
Sunday, March 12, 2023
Birthday Bash
Speaking of birthdays (as we were right back here), we delayed a family celebration of Sam's birthday until the weekend so that a) Rachael could join us for the festivities and b) we could celebrate Rachael's birthday along with Sam's (hers having been just three days earlier. Funny how it does that every single year!).
Here's some action photos of Sam, Rachael and Helaina trying to smash a pinata Rachael brought along. The only drawback was, there is still some confetti scattered across my well-manicured lawn (Ha! Just kidding (about the 'well-manicured' part, that is)).
Enjoy (as I did)...
Monday, March 6, 2023
A Day to Celebrate
Happy birthday to one of my four favorite people in the entire world. Today Sam turns twenty-six years old(!).
Here he is with his delicious birthday breakfast which someone (*ahem* me *ahem*) so thoughtfully prepared for him...
I hope today - and every day - is a great one for you.Sunday, March 5, 2023
Run Down
Here's a photo of some a-hole who almost ran Sam and I over on our walk today.
This, unfortunately, will likely be an ongoing series.