You've seen these views a hundred times before and you're likely to see them hundreds more. They're from the so-called 'far side of the canal' - one of our favorite places to go on walks - especially on such a nice day like today.
Sunday, May 7, 2023
Friday, May 5, 2023
Tuesday, May 2, 2023
The Passing of an Old Friend
Another hero of my long ago youth has left us (or rather, me). I'm sad the hear of the passing of Gordon Lightfoot. I listened to him often, starting around high school and, with a short break of maybe a couple of years, still listen today - often.
I'm going to post a couple of videos.
The first, by Rick Beato, was done a couple of years ago. I know nothing about music theory but I thoroughly enjoy Rick Beato's videos. This video is parsing the Gordon Lightfoot song, "If You Could Read my Mind" and while I think Mr. Beato may have gotten one of the words wrong in the lyrics ('can' vs. 'can't'), I find the video very entertaining and even, dare I say it, educational.
The second is the full song. Note that album cover. That album was my favorite. And it's still one of my favorites today.
I hope you listen to and enjoy both videos all the way through.
Afterwards, you can join me for a moment of silence in recognition of the passing of that aforementioned 'youth' of mine.
Late Update: Within half an hour of me posting the first video, Rick Beato posted this (at the time) live stream tribute. It covers a very small amount of the same ground as the first video but the vast majority of it is new - and all of it worth watching.