Friday, November 1, 2013

Friday Night Video

When I was a kid, somewhere around kindergarten or first grade, there used to be a couple of old movie shows on TV in the late afternoon. One was Ed Miller's Dialing for Dollars, the other was Boston Movie Time.

The intro for Boston Movie Time started with the camera in first person, rolling through a couple of old theater doors into the movie theater just in time for the show to begin. For some reason, I found this quite creepy. Maybe it was the stark black and white of the era. Maybe it was because I probably wasn't supposed to be watching TV.

Whatever the reason, I remember catching glimpses of an old sci-fi movie. This particular one, uniquely enough, had to do with a robot that had gone out of control and was now on a rampage. As I remember it, the robot's body was a large, shiny cylinder and the arms were like silver dryer hoses. This thing lumbered around, terrorizing mostly women and me. I remember nothing else about this movie, other than that the thought of this thing kept me up for many, many nights.

I've looked many times for this movie on the internet, but as you can imagine, searching for an old sci-fi movie staring an out of control robot that's turned on it's creator, has brought me hundreds of thousands of results- none of which are the one I'm looking for.

So, instead, tonight I offer a clip of Mary Poppins in Japanese.

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