Thursday, October 4, 2018

Things That Keep Me From Posting

This is what I do with my spare time...

Below is an email response to a counselor at one of the support services that Sam and I have periodic contact with. A month or so ago she wrote me an email with information on ways to report income to SSI - in this case, a downloadable app and by using an automated, toll-free telephone number.

It was information I appreciated, but I already had. And also, as I mention in my email, it is information that, for whatever reason, doesn't work - at least, not for me.

Because of this, and because the nature of her email was to only pass along information, I hadn't responded. But yesterday, it was on my mind because yesterday was another adventure trying to deal with SSI.

My email...

Thanks for your email. Here's an update for you on the SSI reporting...
I had a meeting at SSI a couple of months back with Sam's current caseworker. This was set up by them to make sure that Sam was "still eligible." (Why this was necessary when Sam had only been receiving assistance for about two months when I received the notice, I have no idea. Apparently, no one else did either - or at least, didn't want to bother answering the question - beyond a, "We don't make those decisions in this office.")

Anyway, he gave me an instruction paper for reporting Sam's income info - for both the phone app, as well as the automated call-in (as you mention). Unfortunately, neither one works for us - and no matter how I try the reporting (reporting for Sam or as Sam) it only gives me an error at the end of it all. Both last month and the month before, I had to call and give them the info over the phone. Each time, I explained the problem and the best anyone can come up with is, maybe it's because Sam's still a student.

I tried reporting it again today - with the same results. I called SSI and explained it all over again to the "operator of the day." Despite everyone else taking the info over the phone, he refused and said they aren't allowed to do this. He said I needed to mail it to them (!). When I asked for the address, he said, "Just mail it to our office." When I asked what I should put on the envelope, he had to think for a while, then said something like, "MVI" (or something... my notes are back at the office).

I told him (as politely as I could) that I understood that his hands were tied but could I possibly speak to a supervisor, that this was going counter to everything else I've been told the last three months. He looked around and found someone and said he would switch me over. He gave me this person's extension, in case he cut me off by mistake - but I had to promise to only use this extension just this one time. I promised and naturally, I got cut off. I called back, dialed the forbidden extension, and naturally got the supervisor's voice mail - because by this time, it was lunch time and the office closes at noon on Wednesdays!!!!

So, so far, I haven't reported Sam's income for September. But I still have two more days. I'm sure it'll go smoothly!

Here's the thing, after all of this, I went on the SSA website to look for reporting options for income under SSI. There's this page:
This page gives you info on the app and automated reporting (which doesn't work for me) but further down, under "Is There Another Way to Report Wages," it says (the bold is by me):

  • sending a fax with the gross wage amount and applicable month;
  • mailing a brief letter with the gross wage amount and applicable month;
  • telephoning your local field office; or
  • going to your local field office to give the report in person
At the bottom of that same web page, there is a link for signing up for reminders. When you click on it, it brings you to this page:
The third paragraph on this pages begins with,
"You can report wages by visiting, calling, or writing your local Social Security Office" (again, the "bold" is by me.)

Needless to say, I am beyond frustrated with this process. Every two weeks, it's something else like this.
I'll try again tomorrow.
If I have any energy or sanity left, I'll try and let you know how it went.

What I didn't bother to mention (because I forgot) is that after getting home and getting Sam some dinner, in an attempt to get some clarification, I then tried calling the 800 number on the SSA website. 

After managing to get through the automated menu, I was put on hold, where an automated voice came on and told me that they were looking forward to speaking with me. After a moment or two, another automated voice came on and told me that the "current wait time is approximately fifty-five minutes." 

By this time, it was around 5:30 and I knew that even if I could stick it out, it would likely put me past their business hours and at best, I might be able to leave a voice mail. My experience with voice mail has been that, with one exception, no one ever calls me back. (That one exception? I did indeed get a call back - six weeks later.)

I gave up.

As I said in the email, I'll try again... if I have any energy or sanity left.

And like I said at the beginning of all of this, this is what I spend my free time on - this, and falling asleep on the couch.

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