Sunday, March 15, 2020

Old Artwork

After over twenty years and at least as many back aches, it's finally time to replace to my old mattress. Like most things, it's not as easy as it should be. First, Storage Spot #723 has to be cleaned out. Storage Spot #723 is what used to be the "space" under the bed.

Most of this conglomeration of stuff is entirely my fault. Under my bed, along with twenty years worth of dust, is yet another huge stash of books, to go along with the huge stash of books on the bedroom bookcase, and the huge stash of books shoved into my closet. All-in-all, more books than I will ever read in what's left of my lifetime. If I knew which ones I would never get to, I'd get rid of those first.

Also under my bed are several troves of old artwork- some by Dad, but most - by far most - from my kids. All of this artwork is from when they were much, much younger.

Here's one undated example...
This piece of art by Jake, is probably in the neighborhood of twenty-five years old. As you can see, it's a classic and a joy.

For better or worse, between the the just un-buried troves from under my bed and the still buried troves stuffed under my bureau, I probably have several hundred of these such classics.

You can "look forward" to me posting more of them in the days and weeks ahead (maybe), as I run out of things to say, particularly things that have to do with the spreading virus.

But let's not leave on that note. Let's leave on these...

 This lovely portrait by Rachael...
And this pretty sky by Helaina...
Have a joyful day... and stay healthy.

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