Pretty flowers.
I just spent over two hours on the phone with the State Health Department, trying to get Sam's healthcare straightened out. This wasn't my first attempt. I talked to four different women in four different departments - and I'm still not sure that it's fixed. In fact, I can pretty much guarantee that it isn't.
I won't bother to go on a(nother) rant right now. I have a headache and I'm too tired. Instead, feel free to go back and read any of my past "commentaries" dealing with either SSI, the Bus Company, the schools - or any of the other many, many places I whine about. It's all the same.
If you think it could help, I could ask Ned and Bubbles and a couple of farm boys to come over and have a quiet chat to your friends at the State Health Department.
Thanks for the offer. I'm not sure about 'Bubbles'. Do you know anyone named 'Knuckles'?
Knuckles is Bubbles' scrawny cousin.
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