Saturday, November 13, 2021

In the Dark

Sam and I are still trying to coordinate our before-dinner walks with these new, non-daylight savings, non-daylight afternoon hours. So far, it's going less than great.

The other evening, we decided to go for a walk on our rail-yard route. Assuming we don't get dissuaded by the stench from the nearby sewage treatment plant, this route consists of starting our walk at the rail-yard (hence, the name "rail-yard route"), following the bike path through the woods, crossing the Bridge of Death, going through some more woods, walking past an old mill-type building (which may or may not be housing illegal activities), down a side-street, up to the canal and then walking along the canal until we've reached a total one-way trip of about two miles (which one of us has decided is "our limit"). 

This, we have easily done (relatively speaking) in the long ago (as in, last week), still-daylight savings hours. In these new, non-daylight savings hours? Well, let's just say our preparation needs refining. Or at least, flashlights.

Here's a picture taken at the point of our turnaround...

Kind of pretty, right?

Here's another photo, this one taken about five hundred yards into the walk back...

Not much different, right? Right. (Actually, I only included it because I kind of like the picture.) 

Now, here's one taken at about the halfway point, approaching the aforementioned, once-upon-a-time-it-was-legit-but-probably-isn't-anymore "mill"... 

Kind of pretty in a let's-get-the-hell-out-of-here-before-someone-clubs-us-over-the-head kind of way. Note, as we did, the darkening sky.

Now, here's one taken about, maybe ten minutes later...

What you're looking at is the view as we approach the Bridge of Death. If you think crossing this bridge in broad daylight is fun (it isn't), try crossing it in the dark (FYI: even less fun).

At this point, we're about three quarters of a mile from the train-yard which means three quarters of a mile from the safety of our car.

But, obviously, we made it back, both of us pledging to bring flashlights the next time (which, if we hold true to form, we'll forget).

1 comment:

Ben Clibrig said...

For every thing, there is a season (with the exclusion of going for a walk in the dark by the sewage treatment works.)