Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Quiet Appreciation

I feel a certain affinity for my Christmas Cactus. I like it's style. I've nursed it along through the years and though it has never particularly thrived, it hasn't died off either- not completely, anyway. It just keeps doing it's thing - always there, always seemingly content to just sit by the window.

I fed it a lot throughout the summer and while it produced a fair amount of new growth, there were no buds. This was unsurprising. 

In the past, in the rare instances where it produced buds, the buds always seemed to drop off before blooming. This, I think, is a sign that the plant doesn't like to bring any undue attention to itself by doing something as flashy as producing flowers.

Well, imagine my surprise when I looked a little closer the other day and saw not one but two blooms - both modestly nestled out of sight, discretely sitting behind the plant, against the window blinds. 

I've taken this is an expression of it's gratitude for the summer of extra feeding - but, in keeping with it's personality - it doesn't want to be all overly dramatic about it. 

So I'm trying not to make a big deal about it.

1 comment:

rachael said...

This is some of your best writing.