Thursday, August 31, 2023

Vacation Photos - Day Four (The Exciting Conclusion)

Saturday was our last full day of vacation. How did we fill out the day after all the non-stop, jam-packed excitement of the previous days? Glad you asked!

Unlike the previous day, today the sun was shining so we took the opportunity to fit in some mini-golf at Skull Island

Skull Island became our favorite mini-golf course right after some idiot allowed the mini-golf course in the center of Hyannis to be torn down - but that's a story I probably told before (or at least thought about telling - before promptly forgetting to).

Anyway, here are the photos of mini-golf...

Mini-golf started out a little bumpy when Sam was spoken to about keeping his face buried in his phone, playing Pokemon Go!, and missing out on real life going on around him (see snarly look in the third photo from the top). 

Thankfully, the discontent was short lived and Sam soon discovered that real life can sometimes be fun. Sometimes. For maybe a few minutes. (See third photo from the bottom - no longer with snarly look.)

Next (I think) it was over to Hyannis to definitely not play mini-golf (see above comment). I only have this one hastily taken photo of us in Hyannis- mostly because taking photos of people shopping or walking the sidewalk is not particularly photo-worthy - especially when my feet are tired...

Note everyone with their bag of candy and/or fudge and that Sam is once again playing Pokemon Go!. All is right with the world.
Next (I think - again) we had a late lunch/ early dinner at Captain Frosty's. No photos but if you're so inclined, click on the link. 
Captain' Frosty's has been a mainstay ever since the kindly woman who used to rent us a cottage gave us a gift card to this place. I never knew about it before then but we've been going there ever since.

After Captain Frosty's, it was our required second and final visit to The Pottery Place. We fit in a second visit to The Pottery Place primarily for two reasons. First, to see if we want to purchase anything that caught our eye on the previous visit (assuming it's still there). 
And secondly, to stroll around the lovely grounds one last time, quietly sobbing to ourselves, knowing it will be our last visit for at least another year.

I only took these two photos on this second visit...
Sam at the coy pond - possibly playing Pokemon Go! (just kidding).

A spur-of-the-moment photo I took of Sam looking very Sam-like.

And finally, we closed out our vacation as we often do by visiting Mayflower Beach in the evening. Most of our visits to Mayflower have been when it was at or near low tide. 

At low tide, the flat shore stretches way out to the water, making it a lovely wide beach to walk along. 

At the approach of high tide, though, (like this particular evening) the shallows fill rapidly and leave only a long, narrow strip of a beach, filled, not only with all the folks who keep moving back to avoid the approaching water, but also, apparently, an abundance of sand fleas. 

I can only assume that at low tide, the sand fleas are so spread out so as to be unnoticeable. But at high tide, apparently, these invisible, blood-sucking creatures are crammed into a more concentrated area, where they spend their evenings (such as this one) feasting on human flesh.  .

That said, even though the beach is not quite as lovely as it is at low tide, a beach is still a beach. And anyway, like I've said many times before, it's really not about where you are - vacation or otherwise - it's about who you're with. Even with a few sand fleas.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Vacation Day Three- Bonus!

If you follow #hibyrach (not sure I did that right) on Instagram, you're already familiar with this video. If not, well, you should be. Here's the video (aka 'comedy gold', according to Rachael)...

Vacation Photos - Day Three

Still here after the breathtaking excitement of days one and two? Well, as the kids say, "You ain't seen nothin'!" Onto Day Three...

We started Day Two with a visit to The Penney Candy Store - again, our name for it. Better known (to whom, I have no idea) as The 1856 Country Store. (See note in previous post re: links.) This is yet another place we went where I took no photos - so I guess you have, in fact, seen nothin'.

Day Three was a rainy day and for us, a rainy day means, "Let's head to the beach!" In this case, it meant going to The Windy Beach (another affectionate, yet accurate euphemism). 

As previously mentioned, this is the beach we usually visit on our first evening on vacation. But for various reasons (also previously mentioned), we instead visited it on Day Three. (Despite this radical departure from the norm, things seemed to work out just fine.)

Just as we expected, along with the rain, the beach was windy, covered with an abundance of seaweed and dead horseshoe crabs and best of all - almost no people! In other words, a perfect beach day!

There are too many photos here for me to caption so, put in a little effort and make up your own...

 And then, later that evening, another game night (and if I can remember what else we did that day, I'll update accordingly)...

There you have it. Another exciting day (and evening)!

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Vacation Photos - Day Two

Strap yourself in. Here we have Day Two, our first full day of vacation (as always, click to enlarge).

Correction (yes, already): The first thing we did was Sam and I left early (relatively speaking) and headed over to the bakery we 'discovered' last year. This place had made such an impression on Sam that he added it to his vacation 'To Do' list - which meant, if we didn't get to it, it could be a problem.

I'm happy to say (and Sam is even happier) that the people were every bit as nice as we had remembered. And, I'm told (I don't eat them), the pastries were awesome. I'm glad we went.

First, Next, it was back to the beach ...

Sand fleas or suntan lotion? You decide.

The hunt for hermit crabs begins.

The inspection.

That view again.

And again.

And after the beach and after a trip to our temporary home, it was off to Scargo, or as we affectionately (and more accurately) refer to it, The Pottery Place. 

(Side note: I'm always on the fence about linking to a place or business I like. I want people to go there and support these places but I don't want them to be there when I'm there. Plus, in the case of The Pottery Place, I don't want them going there and buying up all the stuff I wish I could buy - even when I can't afford it.)

Anyway, off to The Pottery Place...

This photo perfectly captures my vacation experience.

Perusing pottery at The Pottery Place.

More perusing of the pottery.

Family photo - sunglasses on.

Family photo - sunglasses off.

A more informal pose.

And then, after our traditional spaghetti dinner, it was game night (Actually, I think this was the day we squeezed in a photo-less visit to the Sundae School. (See note regarding links, above.) You'll have to make up your own captions...