Friday, January 5, 2024

This Year's Total

(Or rather, last year's total.)

Back here, I posted the total of how much walking Sam and I did together - both distance and time - over the course of 2022. (This, of course, didn't include the times I forgot to turn on my walking app.)

This year, we managed to do a bit better...

A couple of things about this. 

First of all, for some reason we slacked off a bit in December. Not sure why this was, given that it was all of a month ago, but I assume it wasn't the cold. I'm pretty sure January was cold too but we somehow managed to walk substantially more.

But the main thing I think about is, with a few exceptions, this represents time that Sam and I spend one-on-one together And that's only with walking. 

This doesn't take into account the times we run errands together or do cooking projects together or fold laundry together or go to his support groups together or any of the other one-on-one activities I happen to be blanking on at the moment. This is just our time walking together.

Six hundred and fifty-five hours for the year works out to a little over twelve and a half hours a week - or - one and three quarters hours per day. 

That's a lot of time - all of which I thoroughly enjoy. But I also worry (naturally). 

I hope I'll be around for a good long time but I worry the hole it will leave in Sam's life when I'm no longer around (not that I'm any great shakes - but still). 

I work a lot on trying to get support in various places in Sam's life - his (Godsend of a) job, social groups, support agencies, etc., but that's a lot of time to fill.

For now though, we'll do our best and keep working on it all. And while we still can, we'll keep on walking.

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