Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Apple 'Picking'

On Saturday, one of Sam's social groups was offering free apple picking at one of the local orchards. As opposed to pretty much every other social group activity he goes to, this activity isn't exactly social. People arrive at different times and head out on their own. 

This is not to say by any stretch that it's not enjoyable or worthwhile. It certainly is. Only that it's not exactly a group activity.

In our case, the activity goes like this: 

-Sam and I drive to the orchard.

-Sam gets a (very) small (though free) bag from the caseworker who is sitting behind a card table on the porch.

-Sam and I ride the tractor out to the orchard.

-Sam picks apples, occasionally putting them in his bag but more often than not, eats them.

-Sam and I drive home.

So, pretty much a typical Saturday of Sam and I spending the day together.  

In other words, a great day.

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