This past summer, I spent several weekends trying to weed through all the 'treasures' that I've somehow managed to cram into my closet over the years.
These treasures included several shoe-box sized tubs filled with photographs, the byproduct of ordering 'double prints' every time I had film developed (which was A LOT. Also, look up 'film', in case you don't know how old cameras worked).
What to do with all of this?
I figured I would wait for a time when the entire family would be home together (a fleetingly rare occasion) and ask everyone to go through the photos and take what they wanted (or even what they didn't want). And I pretty sure it was going to be the kind of ordeal it sounded like.
Celebrating my birthday was the perfect opportunity.
So, yesterday, after the apple picking and after the presents and the pie and the ice cream, I hauled down the tubs.
To my (pleasant) surprise, it was actually a fun time (or if it wasn't, everyone acted like it was a fun time - which is almost as good).
We only managed to go through a small portion of the tubs so, hopefully, some day in the not too distant future, we'll all be able to do it again.
Until then, the boxes are back up in my closet.