Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Things Are Looking Up

There was a game I had when I was a kid that was about three inches square, and had sliding tiles with numbers on them. The object was to get the numbers in sequence, but you couldn't slide one number until you slid the one before it, and so on. Generally, the game ended either with me trying to pry the numbers out of it, or throwing it against a wall in frustration. I bring this up because I was thinking about this game as I've been trying to clear a spot in my basement. 

Why have I been foolish enough to try and clean the basement? Because today’s the day they’re delivering a new furnace (don’t ask). As a matter of fact, I’m waiting for a call from the plumber any minute now, telling me they've fallen through the basement stairs- or any number of other unanticipated nightmare scenarios.

On the brighter side, this, along with the bathroom experience and the tooth I broke over the weekend, is now making the news that I have to have a colonoscopy look like a piece of cake. 

I’m already prepped.

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