Friday, March 26, 2021

Spotted on Tonight's Walk

Are we great again yet?

It's hard to tell if this is purposely meant to be ironic.

If I were more articulate, I'd write a post about how it continues to amaze me that hardworking people, who struggle daily to get by, allow themselves to be conned over-and-over again by blatantly dishonest politicians and in so doing repeatedly vote against their own interests - all the while scoffing at concepts such as economic and social equity, and instead focus on the evidently more important life-changing outrages of the day, such as the supposed "canceling" of Dr. Seuss or dropping the "Mr." from Mr. Potato Head - or whatever the latest shiny object is. 

P.S. 2020 is over.

1 comment:

Ben Clibrig said...

Um. You just did. And nailed it.