Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Last of the Season

Daylight savings ends a little over a week from now and with it goes the lovely views of our evening walks. Sam and I usually leave for our walks sometime around 4 P.M. and in these remaining days of rapidly diminishing daylight, the sun is currently setting at about 5:45 PM. With the loss of an hour, well, you can do the math. And as we all know, it will only get worse from there.

So, in preparation for the dark months ahead, we've hauled out the reflector vest Sam got for Christmas last year (or was it the year before?) and we've checked the flashlights (which we'll be needing for Halloween, anyway). Beyond that, there's not much more we can do - other than accept the inevitable and trudge through the darkness of the coming months.

In the mean time, here are a few last-of-the-season views from the other side of the canal. It's probably not enough to carry us through the winter but it's the best I can do...

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