(For the details of this pathetic ongoing series, look here.)
Here's today's special edition of Sam and I almost getting run over. What makes this special is that if you print each photo out on an index card, you can almost make your own flip book!
Like always, note the Walk Signal in the background. Also note that, unlike some of the other "incidents", today's episode doesn't involve anyone not bothering to look to their right (or even stop, obviously) before they turn 'right on red.'
These fine people are running the red light and crossing traffic, presumably to make sure Sam and I don't take advantage of our unearned right of crossing the street safely - or possibly they are in an understandable hurry to get their morning donut at Dunkin' (not pictured)...
Photo #1: Note the Walk signal (yes, I know. I already said that). Note
also the front bumper of the car barely in the frame on the right.
Photo #2: "Man, I could really go for a donut! For some odd reason there are no cars are moving. This is my lucky break!"
Photo #3: "Hey, I want a donut, too! If that guy in front of me can run a
red light (and walk signal) and not worry about getting a ticket
(probably town policy), than it's my God-given right as an American to
have a potentially 'fresh' donut just as soon as that thought enters my
large brain!"
Photo #4: "Did it! Got through the light before it turned green! I think I deserve TWO donuts today! Also, I sure am glad this town doesn't bother to ticket people who run red lights!"
The End.
Disclaimer: All quotations above are hypothetical and do not necessarily reflect the actual so-called "thoughts" of these drivers.