Saturday, June 1, 2024

Cars That Almost Run Us Over- Number One in an Unfortunately On-Going Series.

We live just over a half mile from where Sam works. Unfortunately, that distance is divided by a very busy street. And even though there are lights at the very busy intersection, some people apparently think traffic lights are for chumps. 

This is why I walk Sam to and from work.

The other day, as Sam and I were crossing (with the walk signal, of course), the car directly across from us decided to keep on going, turning right-on-red, cutting right in front of us and nearly hitting us.

I've complained about this to the police - both when this happened and the next day, when it happened again. I've shown them pictures. And you know what's been done about it? 

Near as I can tell, absolutely nothing.

Now when Sam and I approach the intersection, I've taken to having my camera ready when we cross. If nothing else, maybe someone will think to take the phone from my body and review the photos.

Here are some recent photos taken while running our life-and-death obstacle course (note the walk signal in the background in EVERY ONE OF THE PHOTOS).


These two photos were taken the day after the incident mentioned above. The light turned to 'walk', Sam and I stepped off the curb and the car immediately to my left decided to go, taking a right-on-red and coming within about a foot of hitting us. (This is why I always stand to Sam's left at intersections. I figure it's the more dangerous spot. Much like a speed bump, maybe my body will slow them down before they hit Sam.).

Here's another one from a couple of days later. This one isn't a 'right-on-red' problem.This is a 'I'm-going-to-tag-onto-the-twelve-guys-in-front-of-me-all-trying-to-squeeze-throiugh-the-yellow-light-before-it-turns-red' problem. 

And here we have the combo platter. On our left in Mario Andretti, strategically covering most of the crosswalk so he can bolt away as soon he thinks the light is about to turn green. On the right is another fine citizen that already ran the red light because, hey, it was yellow just a minute ago.

As I said, this is why I walk Sam to and from work.

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