Saturday, June 8, 2024

A Brief Visit

The last time I was away from home (and Sam) for any length of time was about ten years ago. It was when I picked Rachael up from a theater program in Kentucky. 

The trip was an extended weekend packed with moving and a lot of driving. But I enjoyed being able to spend time with Rachael (naturally) and often think back on the trip with a great deal of fondness.

This past weekend I had the chance to go on a mini-vacation again - this time again spending time with Rachael. And this time, again, it was for an extended weekend - leaving on Saturday morning and coming back home late Monday evening.

Speaking only for myself, I had a great visit.

I enjoyed seeing places like the botanical gardens and walking around Prospect Park. I enjoyed eating dinner with Rachael and seeing where she works - and meeting many of the people I've heard so much about. I enjoyed visiting some of the shops and restaurants she goes to - a grocery store and a bagel place and a spice shop and more. 

I even enjoyed walking the streets and riding the subway (though admittedly, there is no way I would want to do it every day). 

All of these places are a part of her life and that by itself makes it important to me. But really, as I've said many times before, what made it matter was not so much where I was, but rather, who I was with.

It was hard to leave but I know, just like the trip to Louisville, I will think back on this trip often and with fondness, for many, many years to come.

Here are a few random photos...

Leaving Sam and Helaina at the train station.

Rachael and I

One of the many, many photos I took at the Botanical Gardens.

Another one of the many, many photos.

Rachael and friends.

See Caption Above

See Caption Above

Walking the streets at night (AKA avoiding the landlord).


View from the train on the long, sad ride home.

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