Thursday, December 31, 2020

Another Year Over

Well, together and apart, we made it through another year. I don't know anyone who isn't glad to put this year behind us.

Tonight, we'll order Chinese food, then I'll celebrate as I do pretty much every New Year's Eve - including the all the previous non-COVID ones: away from the crowds, and because it is just as unappealing to me (and pointless, besides) - away from watching the crowds, if there are any, on tv.

Instead, I'll sit in the sometimes comfort of my home, maybe read a little, maybe do nothing more than sit and listen as the clocks tick. I’ll think about those I love. I'll think about those I'm lucky enough to have in my life. I'll think about those I carry with me every day- whether they are physically near or not.

In other words, I’ll treat tonight pretty much like every other night.

I hope your News Year Eve is, or was, a happy, healthy and safe one. And I hope your New Year’s Day - and the days and months that follow - are happy, healthy and safe ones, as well. Here’s to the hope of a better year ahead.


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