Thursday, December 17, 2020

Early Morning Weather

Here's the view from my living room window. This photo taken at six this morning (it's now twelve past six). As you might be able to see, it's snowing outside. 

Originally, this snowstorm was predicted to be a coastal storm - and since I live nowhere near the coast, it was predicted that we would get as much as two inches of snow. That prediction was a few days ago. 

About a day and a half ago, the prediction started to change. Last I looked (about twenty minutes ago) we're now "predicted" to get somewhere around twelve to eighteen inches (kind of a wide range, if you ask me). 

This is just the kind of day I would pray for when I was in elementary school. An unplanned day of vacation. A reprieve from the monotony and slow torture of the school day. So, there's some distant comfort in that.

If I didn't have to shovel a long driveway, and if I didn't have to drive - or worry about other people driving, if everyone were home, sitting comfortably and safely together - I would find it kind of pretty - especially right before Christmas.

Still, Sam has talked about possibly building a snowman - so there's that.

Now it's six-twenty-seven. It's still snowing outside and the wind is blowing, making it hard to tell how much snow has already fallen. Judging by the snow on the fence, it looks to be about five to six inches. 

According to my calendar, winter is officially arrives in four days. 

The wind is blowing.

And it's still snowing outside. 


Late Update: 

About a foot of snow by 11:00.

1 comment:

Ben Clibrig said...

31 degrees Celsius and 58% humidity here in Aus. Typical Christmas weather. Pity the poor buggers who dress up as Santa and hand out lollies to the kids. Ho, ho, hot.