Saturday, April 24, 2021

Catching Up - Part II

Speaking of the bike path, one of my favorite views is down the path, just before the Bridge of Death, where there's a break in the woods. This view looks south, over the farm fields. 

I've never been able to figure out what the ultimate goal of this farm(er) is. One year, this field is all strawberries. Another, it's corn. Another, it's pumpkins. Another, it's strawberries and pumpkins. Then it goes back to corn. 

But mostly, it's strawberries and/or pumpkins...

About 2 weeks before this most recent walk, it looked like they had another lush crop of strawberries coming in. When we went back, whatever it was, it was all gone.

I'm no farmer (by a long shot) but I thought you picked the crop first - and then you plowed it under.

Anyway, it must all be part of a master plan - a plan that obviously eludes my unfortunately non-agriculturally minded brain.

Any bets on what the crop will be this year? The winning answer receives absolutely nothing except my somewhat worthless admiration.

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