Friday, September 10, 2021

Less Than Fair Weather

Yesterday afternoon, Sam and I sat in the rain watching a mercifully short Fair Parade. In recent years, these things have clocked in at somewhere approaching two hours long. Last night's parade was under an hour. I assume this was due at least in part to the less than ideal weather. 

There were a number of people missing who would normally participate in this event. While there were still a couple of marching bands and some drenched kids from the local dance studio, I don't think I saw even one state or local politician marching along - so that was pretty good. 

And between the rain and possibly COVID concerns, there were less old people on floats. Why the parade normally hauls around old people on floats, I'm not sure - but the bottom line is, there were less of them yesterday.

Of course, the rain doesn't explain the missing caravan of Coca-Cola trucks. This "impressive" fleet of sometimes as many as three vehicles, usually follows behind the oil delivery trucks - thus making up the less than stellar grand finale. I'm not sure why the rain would be a problem for these trucks - but I'm glad it was.

One thing that didn't change from previous years was the amount of candy thrown to those of us sitting on the sidelines. If anything, there might have been even more of it than usual. Tootsie Rolls, especially, seemed to be in abundance.

In fact, there was so much candy that Sam came home with his grocery bag stuffed full - which, like usual, he promptly dumped into the still-full bag of last year's leftover Halloween candy. 

The only difference this year, candy-wise, was that most of the candy, having been thrown onto the wet street and into the occasional puddle, was pretty, shall we say, damp. I might be a little worried about this if I thought Sam might actually eat any of it.

Anyway, by Saturday, I'm pretty sure we'll have recuperated from all this excitement - which works out well because Saturday is when we'll be heading up to the fair. As of right now, the weather is predicted to be sunny and pleasant - but I'm pretty sure we'll have a good time anyway. 

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