Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Unexpected Conversations

Today, Sam had his first non-in-the-home haircut. He (and I) went to a place in the center of town early this morning. We had stopped in on Saturday but the woman was too busy to take walk-ins. She said that instead, she would come in early Tuesday (today) and give us both a haircut.

My hair was completely in milkweed mode - in other words, normal. Sam's was just a little shaggy and though I thought it looked fine, he said he needed one, so off we went. 

I had mine chopped first, figuring that way, Sam could watch and be better prepared for when it was his turn - and when it was, he hopped in the chair, no problem. 

When it came to his hair, I let Sam call the shots. The only input I gave the woman was that Sam had a scar on the back of his neck that he sometimes felt self-conscious about, so if she could not cut it too close back there, that would be helpful. Sam said that would be a good idea, and he thanked me.

As it turned out, this woman apparently has a son, slightly younger than Sam, who also has a scar on the back of his neck - only his scar was from an accident as opposed to surgery. Also, as was the case with Sam, her son is currently enrolled in a special need's program, though this program is with the town's school department as opposed being in another town. 

And, no surprise, much like me (and most anyone I've ever met who's in a similar position), she's in a constant state of confusion/frustration/anger - depending on what day it is or who she has to battle.

Anyway, it was interesting to talk with her but, more importantly, I think it was a comfort to Sam to hear so matter-of-factly, from someone (other than his dad) that there are other folks out there who have their own sets of struggles, some similar to his, some not - and some of them even have scars. 

And it's all ok.

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