Saturday, June 29, 2024

Summer Fun

The other day I brought Sam to a summer picnic with one of his support groups. This group is probably the largest of the three groups he works with. 

But while there were a lot of activities and a lot of people there, Sam seemed to be one of a few people that took part in many of those activities. Too bad for the others because Sam had a good time.

Along with eating hotdogs and hamburgers, Sam played horseshoes, corn hole, and even attempted to master the hula-hoop...

What I find particularly amazing is that while he didn't yet master the hula-hoop, he a) didn't give up and b) he somehow managed to keep his hat on the entire time.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Father's Day Evening

Father's Day itself was fairly low-key. Jake and Lauren  headed home form our camping trip. Helaina stopped by the house for a brief visit before heading out. That left Sam and I, who decided to come with me for my usual Father's Day visit to Dad and Mom's grave. 

Hard to believe I've been doing this every Father's Day for over twenty years now.

I'll leave with the same video I've posted for at least ten of those years...

Father's Day Weekend

For the first time in a long time, I went camping this weekend. This was Jake's idea and was a Father's Day gift.

We set up* on Saturday and left on Sunday morning - just the right amount of time to not totally cramp up my back.

Sam and I slept in one tent, Helaina slept in her own dome tent on our site and Jake and Lauren (and their dog) slept in their tent on the adjoining site. 

It all worked out great except for two things. First, there was a music festival across the river which was loud and lasted until 11:00 or so - way past my normal bedtime. 

And two, Rachael couldn't make it. 

Other than that, we had a good time. We had good weather, got in a lot of hiking, even saw some owls (thanks to Jake eagle(?)-eyes). I didn't even mind having to get up at about 2:00 AM to walk Sam to the bathroom.

*When I say "We", I mean Lauren and Jake. I grabbed the wrong tent. Instead of grabbing our simple-to-setup dome tent, I grabbed the confusing-to-setup, way-too big tent from hell (which I have no idea where it came from and has since been sold at a tag sale, never to be seen again.). See photos below...



Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Today's Photo

 A cloudy day over the canal...

Sunday, June 9, 2024

The Agenda

I figure my trip to visit Rachael took about three weeks of advance preparation.This was all about getting Sam situated and keeping his routine as close to "normal" as possible. 

In the weeks leading up, it started with teaching Sam how to use an alarm clock (as opposed to me waking him up). This was met with wildly varying degrees of success. The biggest problem was him remembering to turn it on. (We worked on it.)

It also meant identifying and modifying his weekend routine in a way that worked for him (and Helaina- who devoted much of her weekend daytime hours to taking over my role) - and getting it all down on paper so he (and Helaina) knew what to expect.

It meant practicing how to pay at the grocery store for when he gets his usual Saturday lunchtime slice of pizza.

It meant making meals for and with Sam in advance, and portioning the food out so he could see it and make sure he was comfortable with the amount and know that it was all ready to go... and then label it and make sure it was accessible so he knew where to find it and then go over with him how to heat it up. 

It meant arranging and portioning out his typical after-shower nighttime snacks - especially his one-time-a-week Saturday evening snack of the all-important ice cream (which he hasn't mastered scooping out yet, thus some hidden Eskimo Pies, bought ahead of time for this occasion).

It meant arranging his transportation to and from work on Monday. Helaina kindly brought him to work and I arranged with one of his support agencies to ensure that Sam's 'companion' (or a backup) would be available to walk him home.

This covered pretty much all the bases...I hoped... but I knew it left his evenings open. 

So when I was away, I called at what should be his dinnertime to remind him to eat ("Oh yeah!") and called him again a little later on to remind him to go upstairs right then while I was on the phone to turn on his alarm ("Oh yeah!"). 

All that left was to cover him up at bedtime - a 'tradition' I normally do for him. This was something I couldn't do over the phone. But he made out fine. (He told me later that he managed to do it himself.)

So, it was all worth it and it all worked out... for both of us.

Posted on the refrigerator.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

A Brief Visit

The last time I was away from home (and Sam) for any length of time was about ten years ago. It was when I picked Rachael up from a theater program in Kentucky. 

The trip was an extended weekend packed with moving and a lot of driving. But I enjoyed being able to spend time with Rachael (naturally) and often think back on the trip with a great deal of fondness.

This past weekend I had the chance to go on a mini-vacation again - this time again spending time with Rachael. And this time, again, it was for an extended weekend - leaving on Saturday morning and coming back home late Monday evening.

Speaking only for myself, I had a great visit.

I enjoyed seeing places like the botanical gardens and walking around Prospect Park. I enjoyed eating dinner with Rachael and seeing where she works - and meeting many of the people I've heard so much about. I enjoyed visiting some of the shops and restaurants she goes to - a grocery store and a bagel place and a spice shop and more. 

I even enjoyed walking the streets and riding the subway (though admittedly, there is no way I would want to do it every day). 

All of these places are a part of her life and that by itself makes it important to me. But really, as I've said many times before, what made it matter was not so much where I was, but rather, who I was with.

It was hard to leave but I know, just like the trip to Louisville, I will think back on this trip often and with fondness, for many, many years to come.

Here are a few random photos...

Leaving Sam and Helaina at the train station.

Rachael and I

One of the many, many photos I took at the Botanical Gardens.

Another one of the many, many photos.

Rachael and friends.

See Caption Above

See Caption Above

Walking the streets at night (AKA avoiding the landlord).


View from the train on the long, sad ride home.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Cars That Almost Run Us Over- Number One in an Unfortunately On-Going Series.

We live just over a half mile from where Sam works. Unfortunately, that distance is divided by a very busy street. And even though there are lights at the very busy intersection, some people apparently think traffic lights are for chumps. 

This is why I walk Sam to and from work.

The other day, as Sam and I were crossing (with the walk signal, of course), the car directly across from us decided to keep on going, turning right-on-red, cutting right in front of us and nearly hitting us.

I've complained about this to the police - both when this happened and the next day, when it happened again. I've shown them pictures. And you know what's been done about it? 

Near as I can tell, absolutely nothing.

Now when Sam and I approach the intersection, I've taken to having my camera ready when we cross. If nothing else, maybe someone will think to take the phone from my body and review the photos.

Here are some recent photos taken while running our life-and-death obstacle course (note the walk signal in the background in EVERY ONE OF THE PHOTOS).


These two photos were taken the day after the incident mentioned above. The light turned to 'walk', Sam and I stepped off the curb and the car immediately to my left decided to go, taking a right-on-red and coming within about a foot of hitting us. (This is why I always stand to Sam's left at intersections. I figure it's the more dangerous spot. Much like a speed bump, maybe my body will slow them down before they hit Sam.).

Here's another one from a couple of days later. This one isn't a 'right-on-red' problem.This is a 'I'm-going-to-tag-onto-the-twelve-guys-in-front-of-me-all-trying-to-squeeze-throiugh-the-yellow-light-before-it-turns-red' problem. 

And here we have the combo platter. On our left in Mario Andretti, strategically covering most of the crosswalk so he can bolt away as soon he thinks the light is about to turn green. On the right is another fine citizen that already ran the red light because, hey, it was yellow just a minute ago.

As I said, this is why I walk Sam to and from work.